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Terracotta pots are an asset to many dwelling gardens, only not when they're cracked and cleaved. Before you lot pick upward a new pot from your local gardening store, check around your home for a few uncomplicated repair supplies. Inside a 24-hour interval or so, you might go your favorite terracotta pots back in working order again!

  1. ane

    Move your pot to a well-ventilated surface area. Epoxy fumes are no joke, and are no fun to breathe in. Find an open up, well-ventilated space where you tin can repair your pot so you lot don't have to inhale any nasty chemicals.[1]

    • A room with several open windows tin piece of work, or you tin can repair information technology outside.
  2. 2

    Wipe down the cleaved shards with a fabric to remove any dirt. Catch a clean material and brush off any obvious clay or grime from your terracotta pot and so the pieces fit together snugly. Information technology's okay if your pieces are withal a little dusty afterwards—you'll probably be filling your pots with soil, anyway.[two]


  3. 3

    Stir equal parts of epoxy and hardener together. Pour a huckleberry-sized amount of both epoxy resin and hardener on a paper plate or dish. Grab a toothpick and mix them both together earlier you start reconstructing your pot.[3]

    • Cheque the instructions on your epoxy packages beforehand. Some glues might come pre-mixed, so you don't take to worry about stirring them together.
    • Silicone caulk is also a good selection for repairing a broken terracotta pot. You can also buy caulk in a color that best matches your pot![4]
  4. 4

    Mix colored dirt powder into the epoxy mixture so it matches your pot. Scoop a modest spoonful of powdered dirt and mix it in with the epoxy. This helps the epoxy alloy in well with your terra cotta pot, creating a more than seamless finish.[5]

    • You lot can find powdered dirt online, or at your local ceramics or craft store.
  5. v

    Spread the epoxy over the cracked edge with a toothpick. Dip a clean toothpick into the epoxy mixture and spread it along the base of operations department of the crack. Proceed dipping and spreading the epoxy in a sparse layer along the fissure, then your broken shards have no problem sticking together.[vi]

    • You but need to spread epoxy on the lesser portion of your pot.
    • Don't worry if you utilize too much epoxy—yous can ever wipe off the excess with an acetone-soaked towel or cloth.[7]
  6. six

    Printing the cleaved piece into the glue and hold information technology for several seconds. Grab the broken section and middle information technology exactly over the epoxy, as though you're putting together a puzzle. Agree the shard in identify for several seconds with your fingers, or secure it in place with a metal clamp.[viii]

  7. 7

    Allow the epoxy dry overnight so it can cure completely. Double-check the instructions on your epoxy bottle to run across how much fourth dimension it needs to dry and cure. Some products need at least 1 night to cure completely.[9]

    • Don't use your pot until the epoxy is completely dried and cured.
  8. 8

    Sand down the surface with fine sandpaper to make information technology shine and flat. Take hold of a sail of super fine-grit sandpaper and rub along the glued seam of your pot. Work away whatever imperfections or inconsistencies, so your pot feels smooth and seamless. At this betoken, you'll exist ready to use your pot again![10]


  1. one

    Dust off the pieces of your pot with a clean cloth. Go over the sides and edges of your terra cotta pot with a rag, cleaning away any leftover dust and grime. Sometimes, dirt gets stuck in the broken cracks and makes the pot more tricky to repair.[11]

  2. 2

    Fit the broken piece of terra cotta into the correct spot. Arrange the cleaved shard carefully, lining up the cleaved edges exactly with the bottom of the pot. Check that the slice is steady earlier removing your paw.[12]

    • Depending on the break, yous may need to concur the cleaved shard in place.
  3. 3

    Pencil in dotted marks on both sides of the terracotta crack. Mark each dot most 14 to ane2  in (0.64 to 1.27 cm) away from the broken seam. Space out these dots nearly 1 in (2.five cm) or so apart, like yous're sketching out a row of eyelets on a pair of shoes.[13]

    • Essentially, you'll be threading the wire through these marks to "sew" the pot back together.
  4. iv

    Drill into the pencil marks with a 18  in (0.32 cm) masonry drill bit. Install a thin masonry bit in your drill and drill into each dot. Set your drill to a high setting, so you don't have any difficulty getting through the terracotta.[xiv]

    • Don't use a standard drill flake for this—you don't want to damage your equipment or pot.
  5. 5

    Cut a length of copper wire into several 3 in (7.6 cm) pieces. Lay out a section of copper wire, measuring and marking every 3 in (7.6 cm). Snip off these curt sections of wire with a pair of wire cutters, and set up the pieces aside.[fifteen]

    • This wire will be the "thread" that sews your pot back together.
  6. half dozen

    String the wire through two holes in a higher place and below the scissure. Slide i cease of the wire through the top hole, and the other finish into the bottom hole. Keep the wire even while you thread it, and then even pieces of wire are going through the pot. Echo this process with each set of drilled holes along the broken seam.[16]

  7. vii

    Twist the wires together along the inside of the pot. Grab a pair of pliers and twist the wires together into a coil. Do your best to make this as tight equally possible, so the pot stays together.[17]

  8. 8

    Button the twisted wires against the inner edge of the pot. Press along the coiled wires until they're snug against the inner wall of your terracotta pot. This way, your pot is much more likely to stay together![18]

    • Once you've twisted and pushed in all your wires, you can utilise your pot again.


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  • If your terra cotta pot is shattered into many pieces, information technology might be worth getting a new pot.

  • Some people find that gorilla glue works well for repairing pots. You lot tin can apply this just like the epoxy.[xix]

  • If your terracotta pot is only cracked, yous tin make full in the cracks with several layers of joint compound. Then, you can sand over the dried compound and spray waterproof sealant on height.[20]

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  • Always wear safety goggles when you use power tools.[21]


Things You'll Demand

  • Epoxy (resin and hardener) or silicon caulk
  • Cloth
  • Toothpick
  • Powdered clay
  • Fine-grit sandpaper
  • Clean material
  • Pencil
  • Electrical drill
  • Masonry drill bit
  • Copper wire
  • Wire cutters
  • Pliers


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